The design heats up in subtlety : typography, colors and visuals warm hearts…

The colors in 2014 are innovative because we are talking about new neutral and soft panoply of colors, full of oxygen in contrast to the brands that are to the point with bold and warm color schemes.

Others have followed the recommendations of Pantone who said “Radiant Orchid” as the color of the year. (Cadbury was the first to renew its packs in that direction).

Webdesign, besides the dish, the blocks, the parallax scrolling on sites that have already invaded our screens, the trend is to use typography ultraflat design and handwritten condensed. Ex: “Open“, “Transat“, “Duase” The buttons are big trends to simplify the “call to action” in the context of responsive design. The visuals are a priority and the quality of our photos determines the perceived value of your site.

Les Echos

The proportion of companies that focus on customer acquisition grew by 12% in one year! *

Indeed, finding new customers proves to be to one of the most difficult tasks in BtoB. It is a real job, supported by operational marketing techniques and accurate tracking process. Strengthen your customer acquisition campaigns this quarter, will make the difference: sharp targeting, attractive offers, create awareness through a mix of complementary tools, involve sales teams: 90% of success !

* Source Oracle – 2015 Survey conducted in December 2014 and January 2015 among 600 marketing professionals in business and agency. In combination with Oracle Marketing Cloud.

That You Should Be Doing Right Now

  1. Micro-targeting: It’s time to get to know your customers.
  2. Paid placements are here to stay: Spend your money on the right content and platform.
  3. Mobile will dominate: Master it.
  4. Marketing automation tools will change the way you play.
  5. The need for quality content will spotlight the importance of professional writers.

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